Image Info: The moment I first activated Zabbles parting gift, The Tyme Seer.
Good morning, it’s Friday the 13th of May, the year 2022.
For those who don’t know, there is a little thing called June gloom that happens in the hills where I’m located. It’s a wonderful time of year… when the ocean ghosts come inland to claim little things... snatching fairies and bog wollies each morning.... and now that my poles have lifted me above the mystery of their arrival again, I have a wonderfully intoxicating view out over the hillside and off into the distance above the misty breakers of Dume point.
The Dream: So what is new, Well I had a dream last night about the stage show for Diamonds Hadder… in this dream I saw these 2 giant digital Diamond shaped screens…. High above the drums, the drums were flat black and almost invisible in the dark. The whole backline was very uniform almost to the detriment of it’s purpose and function… but it looked interesting. You can imagine the possibilities of what could be seen in these giant diamond like picture screens. Well, I certainly can. Scattered across the stage were lots of little broken TV boxes with little fires inside of them.. they were linked by a common power signal and all seemed to turn on and off with a footswitch, all around the stage. There was low fog and some lasers of course as well and a pulpit with a small black footstool. Hmmm… these are the things I see in my dreams… and a raven of course.
Art and Merch: Well, to date I have several artists that I’m working with on various pieces of art associated with the Diamonds Hadder project. Small commissions I’ve undertaken in the hope of securing some imagery that can be used for single covers, field notes and merch. I hope to have some things for sale soon. I’ve slowly been working on this whole “merch” thing behind the scenes, it’s low priority at this moment, but it is something I hope to focus on more later down the road. It’s fun… but the music, words and story fuel the pen and brush first. So many young artists out there in the world, wielders of these new pens and brushes. they inspire me and I’m really honored to work with them. I’ll be sharing things as they are completed.
Music: Not much has happened on the music front this week, I’ve been in Guitar Solo mode for the "long road" and that’s enough to occupy my time for the week. The stargazer crew is still finishing music on the new cover songs, Ramsay is idle by the red river sending smoke signals up and drinking strong ale and my piano is in tune and singing as usual. Aside from all that… like I said, I’m a moon junkie and so with the full “Flower” moon politely knocking on my chamber door I’m balancing my time between loud music mixes and moonlit walks.
Field Notes: The Tyme Seer: When I was leaving Kilwaughter and Zabble on my way to the Black Forest, he gave me a little something… he called it a "Tyme Seer", he just kind of smiled when he gave it to me and gave me that “Zabble” look. I always know when he’s up to something larger than what he appears to be up to. Ha. I mean, that’s Zabble really. He’s always playing chess when we are playing checkers. It’s part of his charm. Any who.. He mentioned that it’s a little magic thing he made, that when aimed in a direction, and activated… it can somehow record light for a short amount of time.. but not just anytime, the future time. At the click of a button. A rather wide view as well… and the beauty of the devise is that you can watch it back, before the moments that it recorded actually have taken place. A rather unique little trinket that I’m sure would come in handy at a gambling establishment on the outskirts of BOK, or for a million other delightful uses I’m sure. Today while I was standing on the hill with Ezra I thought it might be a good moment to show you the view outside my new tower and so I pulled the trinket out and pressed the trigger. Hmmm… interesting… that Zabble, he really is an amazing wizard. Something tells me he gave me this for a much larger reason and it scares me to think what that reason could be. It was nice to test it out, seems like it works.
Website: A quick note, you may have noticed the News link above now has some archive pull downs, it took a little while to add these... but it's fun doings. These archive pages show the original wide screen skins that I post with news articles. Normally those skins disappear after 3 posts... so adding these archive pages gives me a chance to keep the wide screen animations. I like that idea as they just look more interesting than a simple still picture blog layout. I've gone back as far as October so far, I'll be adding more to the news archives periodically between moon events. Check them out on a big screen, they are interesting to look at.
I suppose that’s all for now. I have some corn to plant. Lots of interesting things are happening around me. Farewell for now and thank you for your time.