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The Hadder and Gazer: Update

Updated: Nov 1, 2021

Well it’s been about a week since we finished the first preliminary “Stargazer” video viewings so to say. Results are good, it now enters a little phase of final edits and touches. It’s an 8 minute song so it would be nice if the video did hold some attention.... while having a few pretty spectacles throughout of course. It’s a nice thought anyway. I spent the weekend collecting dry ice and doing some laser reshoots as I find that some extra footage in your pocket is always nice to have in the closing hours of a video cap… kind of like leaving the house with a knife strapped to your leg and hidden under your pant and boot… you just never know. Just finished up the last shoot in the clouds high above BOK… the August fog was lingering just outside the poles I've been planting, but I was safe high above and hard at work, forgetting and remembering and forgetting again.

There's no hurry for a release date, it’s almost done and nothing or no one is really stopping that now. We're not exactly curing world hunger. Considering it’s forever, a few weeks shouldn’t hurt right? We had a few musical edits that needed to take place on the master track as well, so that’s in the works this week in the “Old Land of the Gardens”. I will say that a week away from the video editing was nice. I had a chance to sit back and watch it with some fresh new Diamond eyes… hell, I didn’t even see the dust velocities in it. A few ideas started to sprinkle after viewing it though…. so… I’m onto that while also finishing up work on a promising new song called “Last Light”. A three-minute song, wow, imagine that. It’s busy here in the towers and busy is delightfully good. Autumn is in the air and my voice feels and sounds stronger than ever. Been listening to some new things in the old rafters and my hummingbirds are happy, I really have nothing to complain about.

Stargazer… soon. Maybe 13 days, we’ll see. Yeh, that's random enough.


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