Image: Some new artwork for the NEW classic black sleeve jersey which is now available in the shop now.
Good morning, It’s Friday in Augustus.
On the heels of a little hurricane coming up the pacific coastline. Just a little update as things are moving along for my little “breakers” record.
Video Update: It’s been another week of post-production on the “Long is the Road” music video. I wish it moved faster but it doesn’t. Computers can only crunch data so fast even on SSD drives and IMAC computers I’m limited by computer chip power. Video is looking great so far from what I can tell by the post footage and some quick edits I’ve done. Occasionally I drop a little story on my @diamondshadder408 instagram page or the Diamonds Hadder youtube shorts page if you’re interested in seeing some of the background stuff. It’s a little race to get it done before the snow starts falling in the sierras. I tend to be distracted by winter storms in California and me and Ezra generally make a pilgrimage up to white mountain to reflect on the years work and to hunt miligoths. I can’t promise I will be done with the video before I leave, but I’m trying very hard to complete it before I get swept up in all that wandering.
Beyond the Breakers Release: For the most part, considering I didn’t really do any paid promotion on the release yet. Response has been pretty good and I’ve done two interviews in Europe so far. Both should be released in September or so. One with a magazine in Germany called Deaf Forever and another in Greece called Rock Pages. I’m so grateful. I can’t thank Michael Kohsiek and Yiannis Dolas enough for reaching out and for sharing and wanting to help promote Diamonds Hadder overseas. True warriors of the cause are these two lords. I won’t forget it. God Bless. Aside from that, the video really is the key I need to open the door I’ve been walking towards. So all energy is on that key. Quick shout out to all my new metal friends around the world that have been listening to and supporting the record. I read and appreciate every email.
Merch: A quick thanks for those people who purchased Dimonds Hadder shirts. Feel free to send me pics of you in them around town, I might use them for a music video at some point. I added a new classic black sleeve jersey style this week and some posters. I have to say I’m fairly impressed with the 24 by 36 inch poster. I have one in my studio as I get samples of anything I design before I post them. It’s a pretty formidable poster. It’s nice to see now and then at a glance. Such a long road this record, its great to have a totem to some degree.
Website: You might notice the "News" page had some glitches the last few weeks. Some of the graphics were bogging the site down. I admit it, I was getting a little lazy with the maintenance of the news page. This week I did some summer cleaning. It should be loading fine now. You can still access all the years of news through the "see it all" link at the bottom of the news feed which basically documents the making of the Beyond the Breakers record. Its down their somewhere. But the large graphic pages I designed each week, well, I have to keep them to a minimum on the NEWS page for loading reasons. Soon as I have a second or two, I'll add links to all the past news graphic strips as they are kind of fun to see.
Other things: Well that’s it for now. Under the hurricane I’ll be waiting for the interviews to go live while keeping my head down grinding away at the new music video. Lord Jules should be giving me the latest Illustration for the field note called “Klipso”. Perhaps I’ll be sharing that and the video for it soon enough as well. Lots of reflection this week as some of the interviews had me reliving my life and thinking about who I am and where I came from. It’s a sobering and humbling process looking back at life experiences. We really are a sum of all parts, measured by years and decades more so than months and weeks. The big strides, well, they happen so gradually that it’s hard to plan or anticipate them really. You just kind of notice it after the fact… that you were here and now suddenly your there. The middle is a bit messy. Anyway, try to remember that as your practicing or honing your own craft and running your own marathon. Eventually you’ll be there. Enjoy the view for now the best you can and stay the course. You are moving, even when it seems like things are still. Good luck to you.
One last thing, My girl Bella has now had her 3rd chemotherapy session. She handled this one better than the 2nd which was a nice blessing this week. Please send her your prayers.