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The Dream Recorder


diamonds hadder the tower kind winters promo video

Image: New Diamonds Hadder "Beyond the Breakers" Jersey for sale.

Good afternoon, it’s Friday and a heat wave is rolling into So Cal. The valley should be about 103 but I plan on being above the Santa Monica mountains recording video takes for “Long Is The Road”. It’s much cooler above the clouds.

I awoke from a dream today that was quite interesting. It was me, I was recording dreams in my dream.. and then watching them back. Good dreams and bad dreams.. it was wild. Then I was showing people the dreams. When I awoke, they were little MP4’s on my computer. I imagine in the future this will be something we do. It stated my brain moving into an idea for a song. Imagine seeing people on that MP4 show up in real life… imagine them knowing you although you’ve never met. Anyway, just a little mental note I’m making as I grabbed my bedside pen and paper this morning.

Todays the day, I believe my record will show up today on some digital platforms. I haven’t checked yet, but we’ll see as the day unfolds. I understand the red sea isn’t exactly going to part for me but it’s a nice thought to see something you’ve created become digital noise out in the universe. It’s freeing to some degree. I wonder what it will do out there.

In the mean time:

Shop: I’ve opened the shop feature on the Hadder website. There are a few shirt designs there now to get started, with more on the way. Now that the whole back end of the shop is designed and functioning, it should be pretty easy for me to add designs and products to the site. That’s the plan anyway. I’m quite the coffee connoisseur so I’ll have a few cool looking “Lord” and “Lady” coffee mugs up soon. Maybe some patches and stickers as well. We’ll see how things go over time. It’s a start here in 2023.

Music Video: I’m well into a few video shoots for the “Long is the Road” music video… with a few more to go. I’m very busy on that. I don’t want to give anything away but there should be some cool scenery and video techniques in it. I’ll be reassuming my old self in this video so that’s a bit refreshing to me. Hadder might make an appearance or two, we’ll see how the timeline plays out. I do like my spook. Really excited about these videos. “Ballad of the Dead Rabbit” will be the 2nd of the 2 I’ll be shooting.

Years end: So the records done, the digital release is done, artwork is done, shop is up… I’ll say it’s a pretty good year so far. There’s even some Field Note youtube videos and a new @diamondshadder408 insta page. I figured it would be nice to at least have that as I’m not much of a social media person. More of a campfire and introvert. I’ve just turned the corner on 23 but autumn is knocking. I suppose I have 2 music videos to complete and a vinyl to press and then I’ll start making a new record in 24, while hopefully doing some shows on the earth somewhere.

That’s all for now. Give Ezra your best. She’s out of her first chemotherapy session. She’s doing well and the hills are happy she’s such a fighter. Me too. Good luck out there friends.

-the dead rabbit



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