Just a little Monday update. Spent Thursday night doing some final edits on the Stargazer video with Doug Weiand in the Black Tower of Vernon. Things went great and I suspect we’ll have one more day or 2 before we put a cap on it. I enjoy the final editing days and it's nice to have other people involved in the process at certain times... it’s nice to see them get what they want and personally rewarding for me to be part of that. As a story teller and highly visual person myself, the power of video just blows me away. My ideas always seem so far beyond my capabilities, but still I reach and try and pursue things I dream about. Some dreams are certainly not for the timid or shy. I’ve filmed and directed a few music videos in LA before, so I’m familiar with the process of presentation to band members and the refinement that is almost always needed to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied with the transitions and clips. It doesn't always go over well at first, but it almost always ends well. Everything is a process. First video run is generally a good sketch, the details come after, similar to painting a picture or writing a song… you have to build the foundation underneath first... then it starts getting really fun near the end. You can also screw things up as well.... It happens. But your always a clip and skip away from turning the tide. I have two additional shoots I did for the “Stargazer” video which I thought would help on the final sprint to the finish line as well. So, between the new footage add ins and another session or two with band members for closing edits…… I’m still about 2 weeks away from burning the master. What can I say, it’s a process and the stargazer story is almost done.
#stargazer #diamondshadder #johnevermore #hadderuniverse #tribute #newoldsong #respect #coversong #musicvideo #heavymetal