Image: Some video from some of the "Long is the Road" post production footage.
Good morning, it’s the start of my first moon. The lunar anniversary of my time on earth. Let me catch you up on Hadder things.
Last we left off I was tending to my computers as they were crunching Data for the new “Long is the Road” music video. Not much has changed but I’m close now to starting the final editing for the video. Here is an update:
Merch: I added a new shirt this week. It’s a variation of the Black Sleeve jersey. I think that’s it for that 1st design. I have my mind on some new designs that will slowly leak out over the coming months, including a rendition of the actual album cover. Just need some time to sit with it. If you happen to buy something, please email me an image of you wearing it if you want, I would love to use those images for a video in the future.
Music Video: So far so good. Just about done with all the post processing. I’ll soon begin working on the real edits and video timeline, however, I do have one shoot left. I’ll be leaving the safety of the city this weekend off to white mountain to film the final guitar sequences. It s a bit of a trek. I’ve been packing a few days for what I have planned. I don’t want to give it away as I think it will be a nice surprise for the video. The way I see it, this video will be forever or at least until the web is deactivated by robots, and so one final shoot to cross the T’s and dot the I’s so to say, shouldn’t hurt. I made the mistake of telling Ezra earlier in the week that I was thinking about going to white mountain this weekend to film and she’s been huffing and puffing and drooling ever since… “grumble grumble” She knows what time of year it is… she can smell autumn too. For those who don’t know, me and Ezra generally make some end of the year trips each year… I call them pilgrimages.. to see the witch on white mountain and to leave some things as an offering. We reflect on the year and reconnect with the spirits up there… the guardians of the doolimytes. Later in the year I do plan on filming the ballad of the dead rabbit music video out there if I can get ahead of the snowfall, but for now… a little early trip to film guitars for the LITR video seems logical. I’ve been planning it all week. I tried to assemble a band last minute for a video shoot as option 2, but LA schedules are hard to plan on short notice and so once again… I’ll do what I can with what I have in my control. From what I’ve seen so far from some quick edits of the LITR video, this footage should be just enough to give the video that last bit of contrast it needs as a whole. I’ve also been dreaming up this little beginning scripted sequence for the video and I needed some mountains to complete the vision of it and bring it to life. Considering my past trips to this place during the making of the record, I felt it was important that it now find a little spot in the video forever. I should also mention that Ezra thinks the milligoths are running… she’s been eating tower food for months and I know she’s hungry for some real food… little does she know the milligoths don’t come down from the highlands until the first snowfall. I don’t have the heart to tell her… so I just keep egging her on… “milligoths… mmmmm” ha, It’s the simple things bring a smile to my face. Her time will come soon enough, after we close out this first video.
Physical release: For those who have asked. Yes, there will be a physical release of “Beyond the Breakers” hopefully by the end of the year. I can only do so much and right now all energy is on the 1st music video as it’s needed for the first round of press. There are a few new ways this could happen, and I’ll be sorting out the details of those in the coming weeks as I start final edits for the LITR music video. I will say that when I first dropped the record I wasn’t planning on much, a soft and quiet digital release as I huddle down in LA and shot the 1st music video, a press campaign, a radio campaign… I was prepared for the long haul. It’s all I’ve ever known. I’ve become quite accustomed to the slow pace of life on the music road. I don’t mind the grind; I actually plan for it. However, some new opportunities have come about that could speed up the process and help get the record into new territories where hopefully it can find new listeners. It’s just a matter of time now.
“Time is a ladder
up to the shine
every step we take
leads to another why,
and hope is the only thing
that keeps us alive
while we reach for the gold
Long is the Road”
I suppose those words were written for a reason. Because the meaning of them is like the blood in my veins. Much like most of the other lyrics on the “Beyond the Breakers” record, there’s no secrets here… I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.
“A real truth is hard to hide, hard to un-tell our youthful lies,
but come the very bell beyond her silver line… the fairy tale she never dies.” -j
Last thing. If for some reason I get eaten by rouge Milligoths this weekend, please enjoy my record for years to come. It was an honest attempt and made with good intentions. I wish you the best on your own journeys. I’ll tell the witch you said hello. Farewell
“Come girl… grumble grumble”