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No Remorse and the Kydone Battle Disc


diamonds hadder deaf forever magazine germany interview

Image: Artwork from a dream I had of The Kydone Battle Disc and some characters from inside the Holy Temple of the Reds.

I’m under a crescent moon today, literally. Me and Ezra are back in BOK licking our wounds from the first Dead Rabbit video shoot. During one of my starry nights on white mountain, I awoke from a beautiful dream… I saw it.. the Kydone Battle Disc. For those who don’t know, I’ve been slowly working on a novel and somewhere in Europa, the great Diamond City, there’s a sacred temple. It’s the training dojo for the Reds. It’s a rather mystical place, fairly Zen like and inside the temple is a translucent metal disc that hovers in the air with magic. It’s called the Kydone battle Disc. I just wanted to make note of it today as I see it finding it’s way into some sequences of the book. After all, Diamonds Hadder has so much to learn when he arrives in the diamond city.. something tells me he’ll be spending some time on the battle disc. We’ll see.

No Remorse: Well it’s official. I’ve signed with No Remorse Records for the physical distribution of the “Beyond the Breakers” record on double Vinyl and CD formats. I’m rather excited to be working with them and ever grateful of course. With no time to waste, we’ve already begun working on the Vinyl as it will take a few months to press. For me that means taking a breather from the two music videos I’ve been tirelessly working on and getting into the design of the “Breakers” vinyl. It will side track me a few weeks but it’s a fun creative endeavor and I feel like I owe it to the record to be involved in its design. To finish what I started so to say. It took a while but some of the ripples from my rocks are finding their way back to my lonely shore. A quick shout out to Yiannis Dolas at Rock Pages and Michael Kohsiek at Deaf Forever, two true metal road warriors, thank you guys for lighting the first fires. To those of you who've reached out to me with kind words and who've helped spread the word over the last few months or offered to help in any way, Thank you! Every little thing matters to me, always. And finally to Andreas and Chris, thanks for contacting me and for believing in the record. Feel free to check out the No Remorse site, it’s a temple of its own, constructed for honest reasons.. a holding tower for the things that dreams are made of. I’m honored to find a small place there now. On the shelves in such a hall. Thanks NR for creating such a holy place. You can read the official Press Release on the No Remorse Site here. Insta: @noremorserecords

Tour stuff: well, I’ve been approached about a little European tour and some festivals for next year. I’m very grateful for the offers although I’m not sure if Ezra can fit in a plane, so we’ll see. The logistics of flying a band from LA to Europe are a bit daunting, especially traveling with a fanglore. I have an idea to open the fuselage to fit my friendly feline faithfully in full feet first (grumble grumble) but In the mean time, here in BOK.. I’ll be stocking up on “dragon feet treats” which might be needed to coax her onto one of those flying contraptions if we can solve some bartering riddles between now and then. We’ll see. I'm working on it. One thing at a time I suppose.

Hadder: “No, I’m not talking about you girl.” (Softly) I forget how well she can hear.

Ezra: Grumble Grumble!

Hadder: "Oh Nothing"

It’s a late report for me today, normally I’m writing early in the dark hours of the morning before things start to move. I like that time. But today, I’m watching the sunset through the ocean grass outside my tower of tiny dreams. Bok is beautiful tonight. I have so much to do still yet I’m very content with my Grasslandian tree bark tea this evening. Ezra is gazing into the late sun.. sniffing the air and watching the hummingbirds as they yip and yap over territorial concerns. I’m thinking about my tree on white mountain… the one I awoke near… the one from my dreams.. as it’s surely bracing for another winter storm. Perhaps it’s something from my past life…. A sacred place that I can only wonder about. Soon as this vinyl is out from my fingertips, I’ll be returning to see it again for my final dead rabbit film shoots. I’ve mentioned this before, but I buried an old box their with a picture of things that only I know about. It’s safely hidden below some rocks on white mountain. A gift for the witch on the only mountain. It’s almost time to open it again… or maybe it’s just time to leave something new… for her.

Anywho, you know me, I’ll be here working away on the next chapter of this fateful endeavor. Feel free to say hello.

I miss Zabble.

(a quiet whisper is suddenly heard inside the rustling wind)

“Stay the course young hadder, stay the course.”

I heard that, master.





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