I’ve added a new DEMO song to the music page. It’s a sketch of “Lord of the Golden Tower”, which was written by Lord Scott Ramsay and myself over the last week. I’ll leave it up a little while, just wanted to share the initial process of creation again. Something I'll be doing a lot more of these days. It's missing a solo I think and a few little things but it's a great start to something. It's a step outside of the more traditional sounding music I love and seem to gravitate towards for the Hadder project, but I have a very eclectic taste in music. Generally, if it moves me and inspires me, I really have no problem with pointing my voice, my passions, my focus and my efforts towards it in good hope... perhaps that's true with other things in my life as well. I'll talk more about this new path later. Truth be told. It's a long and lonely river at times and the further down you go.. it's harder to trust the windings... but the falls are pretty.
"Lord of the Golden Tower"
I sailed away
into the black
with open eyes, to find
a reason worth the rhyme
I tried to stay
but she was faster
the river bled, it said
Beware... the dead
who's the lord of the golden tower.. my lord, it's you..... it's you.
Seasons came and seasons went
adrift at sea
do distress sent
no letter left
no somewheres end
no jack or Jill
just a whisper that said
who's the lord of the golden tower... it's you.
my poles they drag the floor
searching for something
down below the water line
hopes are cast and dreams they fall... into nothing
my ship it holds it's course.... well into the night
It took me in
and the pain was gone
with ever step, it said
I'm sorry but you were wrong
this water ends
this time is short
soon land breaks and we wake
as we tumble into the falls
who's the lord of the golden tower, the one who dies at the final hour... it's you
#lordofthegoldentower #diamondshadder #johnevermore #hadderuniverse #scottramsey #newsongs #heavymetal #sketch #demosessions #lyrics