It’s Thursday in the states, or as I like to call it, "Thors" day. It’s a transitional week for me… quiet things are happening that don’t show much in the real world. Mixes, and listenings which are actually an important part of creation for me, tempo mappings and course plotting’s, story book ideas and time slotting. A little mid-week update on where the Hadder camp is headed and some other cool news on the Stargazer cover I was a part of.
Stargazer news: Well, it might not make headlines, but I received word that Wendy Dio had a chance to see and hear the Stargazer cover we did. Seems an old trusted friend I have by the name of Lord O'Brien was traveling in her parts of the wood and took it upon himself to share it with her. It’s weird the people you meet in life, some are just friends forever, regardless of how often you see each other. Tiny connections in life matter when you least expect them too… perhaps the best connections are exactly that, connections that have no expectations attached. Lord O'brien is quit the traveler. Anyway, to hear that she said “She loved it and was happy that we were keeping Ronnies music alive”, well, even if no one likes it or watches it…. Coming from her, that’s all I could ever dream of hearing. I can sleep on that with an honest smile. Thanks Mr. O'Brien, little things matter.
New Hadder Music: “Rivers End” is turning the bend, so to say. Fine details now.. as I paddle a little further down the river of my dreams. If you didn’t catch it yet, my previous post had a nice little clip of the heavier side of the track, actually I’ve posted a few little videos with various clips of the song over the last few weeks, so feel free to rewind. (Search Rivers End, that will take you there) Of the 2 songs I’m trying to complete this year, to round out the first Hadder release, “Rivers End” is rather grand… 7 minutes down river and it’s filled with twists and turns that are a lot of spooky fun. The final song is a little more straight forward, a track called “Long is the Road”, it’s mapped out and ready for a magic guitar day or two. But I’m trying to stay away from the music side of it while I’m clear on “River” keys and melodies. Remembering 7 minutes of key intervals and guitar and bass work is challenging and so I need to stay focused on “River” movements before I veer the boat of course. But I’m super excited about “Long Is The Road’, it’s has a wonderful chorus which happens to be very relative to the making of the Hadder record and the road I’ve been on personally. I printed this lyric and it hung in the 200 north tower for quite some time. I often saw it staring at me day in and day out… a little mantra so to say.. it’s only fitting that it be the last track I finalize on the road to archers’ bay and the giant skull hut people who live there.
“On and on we, sing the song
We don’t know the reason for it all…
On and on we… sing the song…
till we don’t see the light no more.”
The Diamonds Hadder Novel: I’m working on the “Coin Book” field note. It will drop one day soon when I have a few hours to sit with it. Zabble is leaving Medlins Chambers, he’s alone… other than skylark of course… clutching his key and medallion. Zabble, The Keeper. He’s walking the halls on his way to the lower levels of the castle… oh dear what will he find inside that door. I have some ideas.
Holidays: I’ll be traveling before the new year. I’ve been commissioned for some readings in the boulder hills. It could be snowy and treacherous. I’m quietly planning for such things. Time is ticking. I actually enjoy the tradition of lights and trees and think I’ll take some lights with me on Holiday, perhaps I’ll stumble upon a lonely tree to dress, one that will share the night with me beside a warm fire under the European stars. The galaxies are starting to move around me… I feel it… I can’t explain it, but I sense it. What it means I don’t know, but I see the future and it’s filled with great Adventures and great people if I simply stay the course. Happy Holidays to you all.
PS A note to self: During vocal exercises today, a song called “Phantoms” appeared from nowhere. Perhaps it’s something, perhaps not, we’ll see.
#diamondshadder #johnevermore #evermore #riversend #holiday #update #coinbook #fieldnotes #novel #stargazer #longistheroad