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Familiar Forests and the Noctua


diamonds hadder deaf forever magazine germany interview

Image: An image from some recent things I've been working on. One of the many doors to evermore.

Good afternoon from BOK.

Spring is springing. A few weeks have passed now since I’ve been settling in under the Oaks.  A little update is in order.

Beyond the Breakers Vinyl: The artwork is completed for the new breakers vinyl. Some very small details linger but nothing really to crazy. That part of the process is just about leaving my hands, which will free me up to dive back into music video production. The vinyl artwork certainly feels like its an extension of the record now. The cover was recomposited at 300 rez which was needed for the 13” dimensions of the vinyl. It was also wrapped around the record as a long panoramic and so that needed to be created over these last few months as well. Anytime I get to add real estate to the world of evermore, well, I’m up for the challenge, as well as for the fun of such a thing. So now on the back cover we get to see a little more of the world behind Mr Hadder and his friends from the front cover. The inside of the gatefold was a great place to put a photo of Hadder during one of his snowy visits with the witch on White Mountain. I have fond memories of that trip. Some strange things were happening at that time and so I felt that image was an important piece of the breakers record. Inside the gatefold you’ll find an insert with lyrics and a little something about the making of the record as well a photo of me and my Washburn. As I’ve said before, she did all the solos on the record, I just held her close. And finally, on the flip side of the insert… from left to right… you’ll find a photo collage spanning the life of the record. I scoured hard drives in all the places where I created the record, from my little home on the hill, 200 North, The Lex, and the dark tower I called the 408. This took the most time but it’s also the most rewarding part of the vinyl. A picture is worth 1000 words and for me, looking at this collage, it’s a novel of will and creation. A perfect end to the physical record. From what I understand, the Vinyl remastering is already underway. That’s all for that I suppose. I’ll be sure and keep you updated with manufacturing times along the way.

Music Video production: From one mountain of work to the next, I have no rest really. What is rest anyway. My new tower in the oaks is getting an upgrade for the video production side of this breakers record. A new I9 and a noctua 4080 for those of you who might know of such things. If you build it they will come, or so I’ve heard. I’m excited to re-engage in this visual chapter of my little breakers record. I was just about into the actual editing stages of “Long is the Road” before I had to suddenly switch gears to vinyl design a few months back. It’s good to get back to where I left off. Perhaps the time away from all the postproduction will give me some new perspective on the previous work I did. Everything happens for a reason I suppose, as some of the images inside the vinyl actually came from video footage stills for the LITR music video. Timing is everything in life. I’m sure I’ll post some little video clips along the way the next few months as vinyl is being manufactured behind the scenes. It should all lead to a nice summer release for it all, or something like that.

Other things: I wanted to take a moment today to thank you all for some of the emails I’ve received regarding the record. At times I’m consumed with all the fine details of this and that and life can seem to move at a snails pace some days. I’ve had my doubts about things along the way. I questioned my work and my will at times. Throughout the making of this breakers endeavor, there were hills and mountains to climb, but with every climb there was a fall as well. Much like ocean tides and sound waves with peaks and valleys, creation seems to follow these same patterns. I do believe there is no way around such things. However, in those darker times, occasionally I get an email from someone out of the blue and it’s a lot like pouring gasoline on a small fire. These little messages have fueled me when I needed them most. Like little taps on my shoulder. Little reminders of why I made this record. Why I did this or why I did that. Sometimes we can get lost in a familiar forest. Sometimes we listen to ghosts in the woods just because we’re lonely and it’s too damn hard to go it alone. It happens. Another reason why I don’t make permanent decisions until after a good campfire. Time and reflection has a way of solving all things, that and a cord of fire wood. I imagine my record has really only begun to live. Although it took a little while to make it, it’s really just a baby now in the wider world of heavy metal records. The true test of what it will become someday can only be decided by time. Having said that, the emails and emotional responses I’ve received over the last few months are very much appreciated. Regardless now of what truly lies beyond these breakers of mine, I can now wear a small and inconspicuous grin while sitting by the pacific, knowing that it mattered to at least someone, somewhere, out there. I think that’s all I ever really wished for it.

“My dear Mr evermore, guardian of the doorway. Thank you for waking me.”

May your own dreams show you the way.



1 Comment

Jonah Ragan
Jonah Ragan
May 06, 2024


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